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November 16, 2020

Camping with children is one of those things that, in theory, is an excellent idea.  There's the fresh air.  The togetherness.  The salty-hair, bare-feet good times.  But the reality is that, sometimes, camping with kids can feel like going to a whole lot of trouble and expense to make parenting, well, harder.

Thankfully, there are some brave souls who have paved the way for those of us coming behind, with some clever products and hacks that bring back the relax. Take a load off your next camping trip with our five top tips for camping with kids.

Bobo&Boo bamboo dinnerware1.  PRE-PACK–  Take it from us:  spending an entire day packing and then arriving at your campsite only to realise that you have forgotten ALL THE CUTLERY does not make for a great start to a camping holiday. The easy fix?  Pre-packing. Have a set of Bobo and Boo bamboo dinnerware , cups and cutlery pre-packed in a storage container (because after all, who says you have to have ugly plates just because you’re camping?)  All that is required when it comes time to leave on your holiday is lifting the container into the car! 

SUN-SAFETY STATION – If you're not careful, camping trips with kids can turn into one long hunt for hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. To keep things organised, set up a sun-safety station.  All the hats, Babiators and sunscreen get packed into hanging storage pouches. Before the kids leave the shelter in the morning, they visit the sun-safety station and slop, slap and slide. When they return, hats and kids sunnies go straight back into the pouches, ready for the next day.

DON’Cozy Toddler Sleep SuitT FORGET THE WARM STUFF – Sleep (or the lack thereof) can be another challenge when camping with kids.  You need to dress them warm for bed but ensure they are not too hot that they sweat, otherwise they will get very cold ones the temperature drops around 2 am.  To keep babies cosy all night long, the Burrow and Be Essentials Sleepsuits are a must.  Made from 100% Organic Cotton that help regulate body temperature, these sleep suits will keep baby warm, but not too hot, all through the night. Their handy full length zips make night time changes a breeze so that bubs can get back to baby snoozes, and mum and dad wake up refresh and ready for the next adventure.

DAILY RHYTHMS – Kids thrive on routine, so bringing away some of the core elements of your daily routine at home can be a big help.  For example, bringing their favourite story to read together before bedtime, or establishing a bit of down time after lunch during the hottest part of the day, can help smooth the transition into camp life.  The Brushies Travel Pack is ideal for maintaining a fun, tooth-brushing routine while you're camping.

 ENJOY THE SLOW - One of the most frustrating things about camping is also one of its most rewarding features.  Everything takes soooo long.  Cooking, washing up, even visiting the loo are a process, particularly with a few young in the mix.  Instead of fighting the slow, try leaning into it instead.  Our day-to-day lives are so fast-paced, that while it takes a bit of time to adjust to a slower rhythm, it's well worth the effort.

Happy camping!

The Brushies Travel Pack
What are your sanity-saving tips for camping with kids?  Share below!   


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